This actually makes a lot of sense.

    by UnlikelyTeacher1544


    1. It reinforces what you learned in that class. I hated homework but I probably would have forgotten more than half of the shit I learned if I didn’t have to do homework

    2. AggressiveShyness on

      This why I didn’t do homework. Pass the tests and do the classwork and you still pass, at least in my school days. My “studying” was speed reading during 10min of homeroom and then I would pass with flying colors. Literally didn’t have to try, until I did…and by then I had no discipline trained in me because I never needed it. The curse of unsupervised intelligence.

    3. Sadly yeah.

      And I’m saying this teaching a first year English course. It’s annoying.

      But I guess it balances out that I still have my own assignments and I have to grade. So we’re all suffering here.

    4. It took you this long to realize this? I’ve been saying this for years (in an attempt to eliminate homework so I didn’t have to do it)

    5. This only makes sense if I should be expecting significant back pay with interest for all of the regular time I put in at school without pay.

    6. On my school at least, homework is a freetime drainer and a mental health chipper, sooner or later you eventually sucumb to insanity, lack of sleep and doing homework for an entire day, every day, having no life or purporse. Either you think it’s a joke or not, take in consideration some schools are abusive when it comes to homework and projects.

    7. I think you can just call it overtime. Overtime pays a bonus of the hourly rate. If the hourly rate is 0, the bonus rate is also 0.

    8. Or be the forward-thinking kid and do it at lunch, so you have next to nothing to do at home. I was at school anyway it’s not like I can’t eat a sandwich and do math problems at the same time.

    9. IceColdCocaCola545 on

      Homework really ain’t that bad. Honestly, I despised every second of my time in school, but I’d still take schoolwork over real work any day.

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