[OC] Names that are uniquely American

    by Pale_Consideration87


    1. Most of these are diminutives of European or Hebrew names.  Some of them are straight up just Hebrew names.


    2. Bubba. I thought that was a nickname or something. There are people with the actual given name Bubba? Sounds like uniquely Alabama.

    3. I guess this post will be removed for not including a direct link to data or explaining any methodology, but I’m curious about it.

      The Gini index? Did you control for population sizes? I assume the US is massively overrepresented in facebook, which would make any name that is somewhat popular in the US appear to be “highly concentrated”.

    4. I guess Brittany wins for female names, which makes sense. I think everyone probably knows at least 1 Brittney.

    5. I think these are millennial/alpha names. There are only three girls names and one boys name that I recognize from my graduating class.

    6. Ocarina-of-Crime on

      I swear I’ve never seen the name Tierra before but it doesn’t surprise me it’s not popular abroad. I mean it’s not popular here. I feel like there should be a minimum domestic usage standards to even make the list.

      And I bet biblical names like Zachary, Micah, etc have their local popular versions in countries too

    7. Tierra? People are naming their kids like the planet or dirt from the ground? What’s next, Barro?

    8. The girl list reminds me of the scene in Ted where he’s rattling off white trash names, and then eventually asks if it was any of those with “-Lynn” at the end of it.

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