Meat cute

    by GentrifriesGuy


    1. Evening_Break_3825 on

      “Damn is this like a date or sum? Is she falling for me?? I’ll be her kids dad or WHAT???”

    2. ![gif](giphy|IbNiV8t29anf0aw6BI)

      The real question is she paying for her meal? She gives off ” I need someone to listen to me on everything I do ” vibes 🤧

    3. Bro I don’t get it, if we meet on a dating app how is it not a date? And if you don’t want it to be a date, please say something?

    4. This is why I hate the results of the “hookup culture” like it’s either a one night stand or you’re gonna get married..

      You know you be casual and still go on dates/fuck around right? Smh nothings set in stone for God sake…

      Shiii when I ask for another hookup girls be thinkin I’m tryin wife.. like bruh.. 🤦‍♂️😂

    5. Acceptable-Low-4381 on

      For a $15 burger that doesn’t even come with fries you damn well better like me 😂 food isn’t even all that good for it to be costing that much AT A FAST FOOD CHAIN. The audacity 💀

    6. If I’m paying and it’s not a date we better go way back or you gonna need to pay something 🤷🏾‍♂️

    7. CheekyRapscallion on

      Man me and my wife went to five guys one time in NYC cause it was close and we didn’t feel like walking anywhere else before heading home. It was $42 for the both of us, I couldn’t believe it. All that to say, if 5 guys is the choice of meeting up, I don’t blame either party for assuming a relationship is on the table.

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