Norwegian shenanigans

    by Scared_Relation_2630


    1. Just to add some fun details. He was court-martialled for endangering the kings ship, and disclosing classified information to the enemy. He argued that he had to chase down fleeing enemies according to the naval code, and that unlike some of his colleagues he wasn’t a coward.

      He won. King Frederick then promoted him to captain for his bravery.

      As an aside both the Danes and the Norwegians claim this guy as a national hero, as they were still one country back then.

    2. He and the British captain also drank alcohol together before parting ways, the king wanted him court marshalled for pursuing an enemy ship (the British ship in this context) however he managed to win stating the Danish law which said not let enemy ships escape. This man was known for not giving a living shit fighting enemies many times stronger than him or outnumbered, he was killed in a duel by a duch man who served the Swedes (enemies of Danmark-Norway) because he called the duchman a cheat at gambling and also the duchman took offence because this madlad called him out because he said that the Duchman who claimed to own a hydra (the mythological 3 headed dragon, not a ship) didn’t in fact own one and after nearly beating the duchman to death with the pommel of his sword he would allow the duchman to duel him which ultimately led to the death of Tordenskjold

    3. My understanding is that ship fights lasting hours was the norm, This is because it took a long time to turn maneuver.

      Is that correct?

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