What a waste of taxpayers’ money.

    by _Piss_Tape_Expert_


    1. forever_useless on

      They just can’t fathom having a presidential candidate who can answer questions on the spot and without trailing off into fantasy land.

      Must be rigged if a politician knows about politics 🙄

    2. DonkeyRhubarb76 on

      I’m not even american and I know that republicans love wasting their taxpayers money. How many “hearings” have they had over the last 4 years trying to impeach Biden?

    3. Why does every Republican looked caked in makeup these days?

      I want an investigation into a possible misappropriation of government funds spent on cosmetic clownery.

    4. Just come out and say you want access to unlimited funding for your personal wealth and grift! Damn your constituents and the country as a whole.

    5. purplegladys2022 on

      Why would they need to do that?? I thought Trump said he won that debate by 30, 40, 50, 60, even 70 points.

      Shocked gasp: was Trump lying about winning?????

    6. Available-Elevator69 on

      Lets say they did. So what she had the answers before the Debate. Its not like everything asked wasn’t in their heads anyways. Its not like they was asked questions that are so hard to answer they had to study a physics book and memorize equations.

      I’m sure “They are eating the cats” wasn’t one of the answers on any answer key.

    7. Such snowflakes. Your dude is old and delusional and he got his ass kicked. Man up and take responsibility for the loss.

    8. thesqrtofminusone on

      They’re doing it because it’s effective. They know their base will swallow the lie and point to the hearing as evidence. When no evidence is found they’ll claim further colluding.

      rinse repeat

    9. Imagine how truly great America could be if republican legislators worked to improve the lives of Americans instead of these performative divisive stunts and investigations.

    10. If anyone actually paid attention, the initial questions were targeted at Trump, then shifted to Harris… but Trump wouldn’t shut the hell up and follow the debate rules. There were plenty more targeted questions lined up for Harris.

    11. Disastrous-Method-21 on

      Interesting, especially since tRump keeps saying he won by yuuge margin. If he won, what’s to investigate? If anything, they should be blaring about it from every speaker that he won despite her having the questions ahead of time. Fucking GOP!

    12. Live_Commercial1307 on

      Can’t image she would know they would ask about current affairs, economy, immigration and baseless lies during a presidential debate. “It has to be a conspiracy “.

    13. So ABC can be blamed for the pet eating thing? No advanced screening of questions made Trump say that. Only his running mate and his imagination.

    14. Fox should just sue ABC for copyright infringement. “Collusion with one of the parties is our business model.”

    15. So, have another debate on different network. Oh, that one is also part of the conspiracy. Got it.

    16. They just can’t deal with the fact Trump is a brainless dumb ass. All his debates, even the ones he “won” were just word salad, policy deserts and saying shit confidently or shouting down the opponent.

    17. Check out Fox while you’re at it. Didn’t they do some false reporting that led to one of the highest media settlements in history for falsely reporting that the election was rigged?

    18. Emergency_Pie6489 on

      They have had 3.5 years of baseless hearings. Making every attempt to make sure no one will look into the Trump crimes

    19. This is the ultimate result of living in bad faith. When you decide that it’s OK to do all of the bad things because “they” do them, too…

      You are utterly unprepared for the possibility that “they” are doing things clean. Living in bad faith dooms you to assuming that everyone else does, too.

    20. Are they going to investigate CNN regarding the first debate then? They must’ve given Trump the questions for Biden to have done so poorly.

    21. StandardImpact6458 on

      Yeah,they don’t have any problems with spending other people’s money like that it’s their own.

    22. Maybe spend more time wondering y your fuhrer has had “2 assassination attempts” on his miserable life

    23. I don’t work with the campaign but let’s be honest was there a single surprise question? If you prepare properly for a debate your first step is to brainstorm every single possible question and have an answer for it.

      I guess Trump had a concept of a plan for the debate

    24. *Totally should. And invite the whistleblower who was targeted by the space laser and killed in the car crash, yet still released 5 other differently worded and equally unbelievable ’leaks’*

    25. Trump will do anything, to back up his fantastic fantasy about winning the debate. Just cause Trump lives in a alternative universe, don’t insist everyone has to indulge your fantasy. GOP has to be at it’s wits end with defending bullshit, it never pans out, they always look like huge fools.

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