Sped up footage from the interrogation of Stephen McDaniel, a stalker who murdered his neighbor. He stunned his interrogators by remaining completely rigid and emotionless during the 2h interview, even when left alone in the room. He only moved his head to gaze straight into the detective’s eyes.

    by Smiles4YouRawrX3


    1. Is this the same guy that accidentally gave himself away in a tv interview about his neighbour going missing? IIRC you watch in realtime as he realizes he fucked up

    2. SquirtReynolds77 on

      This is the guy who found out on live TV mid-interview that the body had been found. Pretty fuckin wild.

    3. That detective really leeaaanin back in that chair. He is utilizing, and perhaps even surpassing its abilities.

    4. Watched this whole thing and he was so creepy af. At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel like he was acting like this the whole time. Absolute manipulative nutjob.

    5. I have a love/hate relationship with the documentaries that analyze these interrogations.

      You get the “We can see he moves on his chair throughout the process, uncomfortable. The police recognizes this as a reaction of somebody who feels guilt and remorse.”

      And also the “We can see he doesn’t move throughout the process. The police recognizes this as an unnatural behavior, perhaps linked to their lack of emotions towards their atrocious actions.”

      It feels like no matter what the person does, we go like “Aha! This is relevant and proves my point!”

    6. ThrowawayMod1989 on

      I’ve heard so many breakdowns about this case that I can hear the detective’s accent when he says “Steven.”

    7. hannibal_morgan on

      Is this what that episode of Its Always Sunny where we see a scene where Dennis doesn’t move or blink for 2 hours is referring to? The very first interview is chilling when you know the context

    8. Only surprising to people who don’t have forensic psych experience. I see this all the time.

      In this world there are all kinds of people.

    9. Delicious-Cow-7611 on

      Drax: I’ve mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still… that I become invisible to the eye. Watch.

    10. I remember this… they were asking him questions live on air then revealed they found his victim’s body, and u can see the fear slowly build on his face … shout out explore with us, they really deep dive into the pseudo science of body language

    11. If you listen to it he’s so monotone and often answers in a very confused tone “no?” “I don’t know”

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