Can someone explain? Like bruh, what?

    by MockLuno


    1. Probably a joke, but if he’s serious there are actually routes that planes are supposed to follow so as to avoid hitting another passenger plane, so maybe he hopped across one of those routes?

      Could also just be a real strong tailwind like others said

    2. you have a route in the air so you don’t cross the path of other planes. could be that he was cleared to cross a large area that they would have normally had to have curved around to avoid another planes path, but that plane may have been delayed or maybe even never set off or had to change route to avoid something else, leaving the area clear for the original plane to cross and save time

    3. So a few things:

      1) the airlines pad the scheduled time – so even with some delays they arrive “on-time”
      2) tailwinds or lack of headwinds can effect time
      3) while there are “routes or highways” that the planes normally follow – if pilot requests and ATC approves a different routing that can shave times as well

    4. There are “roads” in the sky.

      There’s two basic ways to navigate in flight. VFR or visual flight rules, you basically just use your eyeballs and decide where to go. This is what most beginner pilots and small recreation aircraft use, especially below 10,000 feet.

      IFR or Instrument Flight Rules requires additional pilot certifications, a filed flight plan, and clearance to get onto the sky roads. Your commercial airlines fly this way. From there, you are assigned an altitude and speed limit and can basically program your route into the auto pilot. The pilot could potentially request an altitude or speed limit change (if assigned a speed slower than the route max.) in order to make up time.

    5. Parece que a OTAN queria acusar a Russia de atacar a Letonia/OTAN e talvez por isso começar a guerra.

    6. Pilots like to joke. Bigger airlines often don’t like jokes too much so its not common on most flights. I fly a lot with local airlines in the middle of nowhere, and pilots fuck around with the passengers all the time, at least when they have regular passengers. Things like explaining the sights we’ll be passing until people realize its in the opposite direction – especially fun with sleep deprived passengers. At one point in Zambia our pilot took it too far and explained how he’d fly to airport y instead of x because he prefers that route (like 4 hours drive from the correct airport), but airport y was hosting the president and some foreign delegation so the airspace was closed as a precaution, and the lad got a very stern warning from some military representative to tune down the jokes lol.

    7. Mountain_Condition13 on

      ummm, maybe it was not a joke. There are not so rare routines when air traffic control let’s you flight directly to certain waypoint omitting some maneuvers, or even skipping some waypoints, under some circumstances.

      I’m not an expert, I just remember how MentourPilot explained this. I suppose, that was video about this lost and never found AirMalaysia flight, but I’m not sure.

    8. Commercial pilot here. Getting a GPS direct routing can save you hundreds of track miles instead of flying the airway routing.

      Think of it this way, you have to follow the roads when you drive, we have to follow the airways. But if we get a direct routing then you can just fly a direct line to the airport. It would be like your car became a helicopter and you could just fly direct to your home instead of turning left and right in a meandering route to your home.

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