Warrior’s equipment unearthed from Toshinokami Tomb #6. Full list in comments. Japan, Kofun period, 5th century AD [1840×1720]

    by MunakataSennin


    1. [Museum](https://bunka.nii.ac.jp/heritages/detail/581486). The Toshinokami Tomb Cluster consist of twelve tombs on a hill in Hyōgo Prefecture. Tomb Number 6 contained the richest amount of goods: A set of iron armor, weapons, and tools belonging to a man. The wooden handles have rotted away.

      * 1 [tankō](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank%C5%8D) armor
      * 1 gorget
      * 2 pauldrons
      * 2 sabers (single-edged)
      * 2 swords (double-edged)
      * 1 dagger
      * 57 arrows
      * 2 axes
      * 2 adzes
      * 1 sickle
      * 1 shovel
      * 1 bronze mirror
      * 1 magatama bead
      * 1 glass bead

    2. AcanthocephalaSea410 on

      Metallic armor in the 5th century, I always thought they wore armor woven from reeds/grass.

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