It’ll never end

    by CrunchM


    1. MountainSage58 on

      He’ll be, what, 82? That’s my grandfather’s current age, and he’s in better shape than Trump is now. They’ll be running this man on life support.

    2. Imagine you’re on the red side, in your 40s and realising some motherfucker in his 80s is in your way.

    3. I’ve been saying this for a year. The only way he’s not is if he’s dead. Someone will try to pin the “loser” label on him but it won’t stick.

      Even after he’s dead, Republicans are still screwed for at least one more cycle because they’re going to try and run Diet Trump but the cult only wants Trump Classic.

    4. dragonfliesloveme on

      So he filed to run again so that he can use it again in his legal stuff? Jfc enough of this shit already

    5. He’s gotta die sometime. With a steady diet of fast food and Adderall, I can’t believe he’s still alive.

    6. davidgrayPhotography on

      Wait until he dies and they change the RNC to a seance to ask him if the new nominee is allowed to be the nominee

    7. That’s them conceding that he will lose in 2024 then, as if he won this year, he would reach his term limit by 2028.

      I honestly can’t see him being on this earth in 2028.

    8. Remote_Breadfruit_62 on

      If they were actually smart they would have rolled out Josh Hawley 8 years ago and watched that crazy bastard win two terms easily. They are far too stooopid to understand whom to actually put forward. They let themselves get spun into a full on cult. They will lose.

    9. This is solely because he wants to be able to cry election interference/fraud to attempt to avoid his trials. Let’s be real here it’s worked for him super well so far, no sarcasm. 

    10. This is his last shot. He will lose, he will try to burn everything down again, he will become a pariah, everyone will pretend they thought he was a loser all along, the Trump name will become mud and he will die in shame

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