Friend and I found the same picture separately in the same week

    by echmaepa


    1. On Monday my friend sent me the pic on the left from a thrift store and said she wanted it but her sister and husband said nah. Driving through my neighborhood this afternoon and drive past the one on the right in a free pile.

    2. Anotherspelunker on

      Don’t turn around if you ever notice she isn’t in the picture anymore…

    3. samantha-mulder on

      I just saw someone get the same picture on TikTok…you or your friend or another one?

    4. pinkthreadedwrist on

      This is a 70s classic. There are tons with this same general theme/vibe, though this one is much more intense with the eye contact than others I’ve seen.

    5. I’ve got that print on my office wall. Same frame and everything. I bought it in a second hand store years ago. My grandmother had it on her bedroom wall since I was a little kid and it was creepy as hell and I couldn’t figure out what it meant.

      I figured it out. Originally, I thought that the girl was dead and the boy didn’t know it. Like she was some sort of a malicious spirit intent on taking the boys soul.

      Then I realized that she is the one who knows. The person viewing the painting is dead. I am dead. We are all dead. She is the only one that knows and she’s telling us with her dead eyes. She beckons us,

      “Come and join us,” she says. “Come home.”

    6. IllustriousAnt485 on

      She stairs into your soul. You will see her and she will come to bring you to the underworld. But don’t worry, the ghost of the first kid she killed( kissing her) will come give you clues and shit… you might figure out what the switcheroo is in time. And then just when you think it’s all over……

    7. Oh fuck…. This was in my house as a kid this is fucking weird. Haven’t thought of this since till now.

    8. I just found out it was from a collection called Home Interiors. My mom sold this print in her store from that collection.

    9. Palolo_Paniolo on

      My former in-laws had this hung in their house! Holy shit you just brought back memories.

    10. AlternativeFilm8886 on

      Margaret Keane paintings, she was known for drawing children with large eyes. Fun fact: the teacher in the Powerpuff Girls was named after her as a nod to the bug-eyed aesthetic of the girls themselves.

      My siblings found some early reproductions from the 60s at a yard sale for two of her paintings which they picked up for a few dollars. The paintings had an estimated value of about $400 each.

    11. Stayhydrated710 on

      I’m intrigued by the number of people who have this, especially because my mother has this picture as well.

    12. So funny similar story. My sister has these pictures on her wall that are of these sad cartoon alley cats and there is like 4 of them, she got them after her aunt passed. Fast forward 15 years, I buy my own house, in a different state, and what do I find under the stair case? One of the same alley cat pictures she has on her wall currently. It was insane. I do not know where it came from, and yes, I left it alone.

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