Shiro won my heart

    by Putrid-Strategy5104


    1. RegularAvailable4713 on

      Oh yeah, the 11 year old character used for sexual fanservice. There is literally no reason why one of those two things couldn’t be avoided, it’s literally a drawing and age doesn’t even matter in the plot, but damn the author had to make sure she was a child.

      Brilliant anime, I swear, with some of the best ideas and speeches. But still… why!?

    2. Putrid-Strategy5104 on

      Just for anybody confused this post was made to show those people who think we, who like petite, fictional characters, are heinous criminals. We have clear boundaries between real life and fiction. A fictional character is attractive in a certain way because the artist has made them so, but a real child is not, I repeat NOT that way because nature has made them so. Evolution has made our minds to not swing that way and only the exceptions find themselves behind the bars, NOT US.

    3. People may call me disgusting but honestly, I don’t give a fuck. I’m just doing my own thing without inconveniencing anyone.

      Shiro is peak.

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