by yukiyunyun


    1. Is that an Adam’s Apple I spy? (totally not suggesting Larry er Lara Trump be transvestigated…) /s in case it wasn’t obvious

    2. Portland-to-Vt on

      That this video to “raise awareness” to “highlight GOP talent” to “bring in female voters” will be entirely paid for with campaign coffers to her personal benefit is the real intent. She could’ve done a cooking video, “charity” walk vid, etc…the only play is pocketing some cash.

    3. blandocalrissian50 on

      Holy crap, didn’t she also box at one point? Seems likely with the size of those hands.

    4. EdisonLightbulb on

      If it were anyone else, I’d jokingly tell them to not quit their day job. But, she should quit her day job. And quit this job, too!

      This song sounds just like the “pop Christian” songs of the 90s. Shitty music and stupid lyrics about how much they love jeebus and god, except now they’re all about Diaper Donnie the Convicted Felon Rapist Geezer.

      Way too much bass in that voice! 😲 She needs a DNA test ASAP if she wants to stay Republican, lolol.

    5. Wow! Do you guys realize that she is going to be bigger than Taylor Swift, SZA, Miley Cyrus, Olivia Rodrigo, Beyonce, Karol G, Ice Spice, and Doja Cat COMBINED? Promoters are lining up to book her shows around the globe, and ticket sales have already been selling by the billions. /s

    6. So, we give her about a week before she’s telling the Trump campaign they’re not allowed to use her music?

    7. changeforgood30 on

      I hope she releases more music videos. Why?

      1; The more time/money she wastes doing shit like this means the less time she’s actually organizing the Republican Party.

      2; The more of these she releases the more unhinged she makes the Trumps look, and I didn’t even think that was possible.

      3; It shows struggling artists that with enough funding, *anything* is possible if such an untalented hack is allowed a music video, then anyone with a pulse can have a music video.

      An inspiration to us all.

    8. PassengerNo2259 on

      I would watch Eraserhead on repeat in Imax with my eyes superglued open before I would subject myself to this.

    9. And to think that someone had to listen to the un-autotuned version of this to get the autotune to this crap. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.

    10. This video might explain why the campaign only has a couple field offices open in PA while the Dems have like 60.

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