Ford Aerostar (1986)

    by smallteam

    1 Comment

    1. JoseyWalesMotorSales on

      *Enterprise* has the strongbacks on the payload bay doors in the header photo, which were there when the ship was used for fit checks at Vandenberg AFB’s SLC-6 between November 1984 and May 1985. I think this places the photo (though not the ad itself, mind you) between May 1985 and mid-September 1985, when *Enterprise* was ferried to temporary display at Kennedy Space Center. The ship was finally taken to storage at Dulles International Airport that November.

      In 1985 the Shuttle program was going all-out and its future seemed limitless, and I remember so many Shuttle-related tie-ins in all kinds of ads for all kinds of products. It really seemed like the future was here and it was exciting. Of course, in early 1986 all of it came back to bite us, and painfully so.

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