The first ever weightlifting contest held in California, 28 of February of 1947. Trophys for the winners and the 3 main ones.

    by Electrical-Aspect-13


    1. Electrical-Aspect-13 on

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      aditional data:

      1.- From left to right: Winifred Reineke, Lisle De Lameter, Ruth McAlleece, Clair Bentley, Edna Rivers, Pudgy Stockton, Vera Fried, Jackie McCullah, Joan Trowbridge.

      2.- Photo from the award ceremony.

      3.- weights used can be seen in the back.

      4.- Done in 3 divisions with the winners of each one being, Abbye Stockton, Vera Fried and Edna Rivers.

      5.-Edna River was able by herself, to lift 500 lbs in a deadlift.

    2. Those bikini bottoms fit like adult diapers. Must’ve been before the invention of spandex.

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