Is that guy on the left actually facepalming?

    by Black_White_Other


    1. Proper-Application69 on

      >Do you ever notice nobody knows what her last name is?


      “You shouldn’t vote for Vice-President Harris because I call her Kamala.”

    2. I’ve got an emergency! Quick, what’s the number for 911?

      I mean… how can anyone with a function brain look at this guy and say he’s mentally capable.

    3. The folks in hard hats behind him are either:
      1. As construction-working as that guy from the Village People was
      2. Non-union workers who would be the first to get stiffed by Donald Trump if they ever did a contract for him

    4. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      Dude! The media is basically protecting you by NEVER amplifying your dementedness 🙄

      Whine, whine, whine ❄️

    5. One of the greatest misteries, next to Obama’s last name and why he didn’t act during hurricane Katrina, no one knows…

    6. He just realized he doesn’t know how to act like a blue collar worker. No tradesman wears a hardhat that way.

    7. AValentineSolutions on

      He so is. I don’t blame him. I would too if I had to listen to that imbecile speak.

    8. 1Negative_Person on

      He’s a Trump supporter, so it’s more than likely he’s blowing his nose into his own palm.

    9. CombAccording1252 on

      Just imagine Biden saying this and media would run with it …. Trump does it … well it’s business as usual .. but Kamala has no specific economic policy we should press her on that 🤯

    10. Say, Trump’s a working man, the hardest working of all, they say.

      Where’s his hard hat?

    11. Foreign_Profile3516 on

      I don’t know if that guy is face palming, but the chick to the others side definitely has a golden bandage over her nose. I thought they only wore maxi pads?

    12. What is Kamala Harris’ last name? I’m too lazy to google it. Nobody knows her last name.

    13. CommunicationHot7822 on

      He could be punching himself in the face but that would be more self aware than most MAGAs.

    14. Critical_Half_3712 on

      No one knows her last name, as he literally says it! What an idiot. I swear I just want him to go away forever. No calls from jail. Nothing

    15. Critical_Half_3712 on

      I’m shocked he didn’t say did u know 107% of the population doesn’t know Kamala’s last name

    16. That white hard hat dude looks cardboard af, like zero facial definition, looking down. Weird

    17. Maybe. Could also just be sneezing or scratching his nose. Hard to tell without seeing the video, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to subject myself to more than a single still shot of that orange dipshit.

    18. CrzyMuffinMuncher on

      Wait. Did Cheetos Man actually say that? I can’t tell the difference between jokes and stupidity anymore. So many stupid people it’s just not funny anymore.

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