‘Friends’ Premieres. 1994

    by FewCap982


    1. mourningsunrises on

      I remember I tuned in one Thursday (this was a rarity as I was in my 20s, working in a bar and when I wasn’t working, I was usually out drinking at another bar) night looking for another show which had been cancelled. There was this other show on called *Friends*. Thought the chick in the wedding dress was cute so I kept watching.

    2. New-Skin-2717 on

      I have to admit that when i watch the first season now, it is a bit cringe.. but it was great in that time.. which makes me realize that i was probably a bit cringe at that time too.. i was 12.. lol

    3. Puzzled_Ad7955 on

      Never watched it. The money I heard they made/make is very hard to fathom for a pretend silly show that’s for sure.

    4. theflowersyoufind on

      I loved Phoebe’s look in the early seasons. I didn’t like how they changed her style as it went on.

    5. Does mathew perry began with the anxiety and depression thing when he was on the show or it was a thing that he already carried even before the show? It’s so sad that he was one of selected lucky actors who earn yearly a ton of money because of royalties of the show and even with that amount of easy money, he end it all.

    6. clementlin552 on

      I remember when I first started watching the show and really wanted Monica and Joey to get together

    7. I was an extra in the movie Project X. It was shot in the same backlot as where the friends fountain is at.During my lunch break a pa told me to follow him. He then picked out a few others seemingly at random. The randomness faded when he lined us up by the friends fountain. We were all fat men. He made us lift our shirts and show our man boobs by the friends fountain and he took a Polaroid of us to show to the director who then would pick the best man boobs and feature them in a (deleted) scene of the movie. I’m no longer fat but somewhere there’s a Polaroid of me lifting my shirt by the friends fountain

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