Its not too bad after all

    by DaMaster7490


    1. SleepyWanderer4141 on

      Really man, that’s huge and congratulations! Keep putting in the work, and you’ll get better every day! Life is hard, but people can be so damn strong.

    2. OldPollution2137 on

      Good shit, that’s a long time to deal with that stuff man. Make sure to go to therapy whenever you can too. You can turn dark in ways you didn’t even know if you let it fester too long.

      Head up brother, one step at a time.

    3. Charming_Ad_6021 on

      Awesome news. Remember that life can be harsh, if you do ever feel like you’ve taken 3 or 4 steps backwards, don’t let it take anything away from the 1000 steps you’ve taken forward in the last 3 years.

    4. Dealsintendiez on

      That’s the way! Good or bad, times always come. It is up to YOU on how it goes. Glad you’re doing alright pal.

    5. To celebrate your return, we shall all feast with celebratory cake! (Or a treat of your choice :3)

    6. REPMEDDY_Gabs on

      I went/still going thru the same shit for different reasons, always trying something to change, to be happy. Last thing I recently tried is to write a diary.
      Somehow writing gives me a sense of peace so I think I’ll stick to this and see how it goes.

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