
    by lfp_pounder


    1. teens wanked to fkn everything before the internet blew up like crazy

      teenage girls LOOooved the hansons (right lower corner)

      were tf is the holdup ?!

      and how can a teenage kid wanking over teenage kids be fkn pedophile ?!

    2. threefeetofun on

      9th grade English class I said the middle Hanson was cute. I was then informed they are all guys.

    3. Maybe I’m being generous here but I don’t think it’s a joke about being a pedo.

      I was the right age to see all of these videos come out, which also means I’m roughly the same age as the kids in the bottom right picture. I don’t think it’s suggesting that OP is a pedo, it’s just a joke about the fact that a lot of us didn’t know that the boys in that band were infact boys.

    4. Clever_Khajiit on

      While OPs explanation is correct, it’s also three brothers.
      Ole double whammy there.

    5. The tragedy of Fiona Apple’s rape always made me uncomfortable enough not to sexualize her.

    6. Whoever made this meme wasn’t a teen around this time. It’s only a holup for them lol.

    7. Oh_My_Monster on

      OP, this has nothing to do with pedophilia. The joke is that this is Hansen and some people just assumed they were girls not boys. Not many but that’s the joke. Family Guy did a whole bit on it with Quagmire being asked if he could have any woman in the world who would it be. He answered Taylor Hansen thinking he was a woman.

      [here’s the clip](

    8. You had to take your wanks where you found them before the internet. I was especially fond of committing self abuse while watching the Like a Prayer video by Madonna.

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