Somehow shocking and completely unsurprising

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Active-Water-0247 on

      “But what about all those times democrats knelt during the national anthem?” —MAGAs, probably

    2. mrobertson_nc on

      I know nothing about the soldier buried in tomb Trump is defiling in this photo, except that he didn’t have imaginary bone spurs.

    3. dirtyfun19901 on

      I’d love to see all the people screaming stolen valor with Tim walz say something about trump using our fallen heros at one of our most sacred places in the country as a political prop.

    4. This is against federal law and therefore violates the conditions of his bail, yes?

    5. OnlyTakes5minutes on

      Howerever good he want it to look, that’s how bad it looks, and worse. Piece of orange turd and same for his criminal staff. No respect for nothing, not even those that gave their life even for him.

    6. My grandfather is buried down to the right of this hill. He fought in Normandy on D-Day and only lost a thumb (but gained alcoholism and PTSD). Fuck Donald Trump!!!!

    7. DonOld’s feeble attempt to convince the public he actually cares about veterans…

    8. A damn draft dodger, cadet bone spurs should not be permitted in any National Cemetery. He is a coward and a disgrace to America.

    9. IneffableOpinion on

      I don’t blame him for weighing the pros and cons of violating laws for this photo op, considering the vile things he repeatedly says about dead soldiers being failed soldiers. PR team had to do a big hail mary. Jail or lose the military vote? He thinks he is immune from jail so why not?

    10. Unhappy_Classroom370 on

      FUCK THAT PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!!!! HE’S A BITCH AND I PUT THAT ON GOD!!!!!! ….. can’t say too much more, but that’s how I see that PUSSY ASS FUCK BOY!!!!!! …. Don’t ever disrespect us like that!!!!!….FUCK HIM WIT A FIST UP HIS ASS !!!! HE A PUSSY WITH YEAST!!!!!

    11. He uses veterans in the military but does not give a shit about them. We need generals and veterans to step up and condemn this

    12. BeachedBottlenose on

      So he just showed up with a wreath and shoved guards out of the way to take pictures?

    13. Trump doesn’t belong anywhere near Arlington, neither now nor after his fatty heart explodes.

    14. I would actually and honestly be interested in the perspective of someone who opposed/disagreed with people kneeling for the anthem.

      If you have not been to Arlington and seen the changing of the guard, go. It is moving and humbling is ways that I can’t describe. To treat it in any way other than respectfully, regardless of laws or political affiliation, is far far worse than kneeling for the anthem. This is hallowed ground for a reason.

    15. Zealousideal_Toe4929 on

      F this guy. Seriously. How much more humiliation will the sane people of the US take from him and his Clowns? Kick those fat asses out.

    16. Ban him from the place for violating the rules. 🤷 Why do we let him continue to disgrace our fallen soldiers?

    17. JediMasterPopCulture on

      People defending the families. Oh they gave him permission. Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting! Allowing a cowardly draft dodger to use your alleged “loved ones” to be used as a prop in his commercial.

    18. Itsprobablysarcasm on

      “Suckers and losers in my next campaign video!” – Donald the rapist Trump

    19. AfternoonPast3324 on

      His plan to combat the less than stellar record of his opinions on troops/vets? Turning dead vets into campaign tools. Because of course he would.

    20. How the fuck is this guy untouchable? He does whatever the fuck he wants, makes sure that it somehow is breaking the law, then laughs at his own country and its legal system because he knows nothing will happen to him.
      Let me go slap a smiley face sticker on a stop sign in front of a cop and guaranteed I’ll be hauled off to jail.
      So fucked up.

    21. What were the guards doing, letting a convicted felon use the memorial for his own personal purpose of staying out of prison?

    22. Independent_Lake6883 on

      Not surprised but I’ll be shocked if he’s actually held accountable. It’s really not funny how much he gets away with.

    23. Friendly-Worker-3474 on

      Every time you think the Orange Moron has reached the bottom of the swamp.. he goes deeper 😡😡

    24. WarderWannabe on

      “Guys the basement dwellers are starting to believe that I think military dead are losers. What can we do about it?” ……

    25. My grandpa isn’t buried at Arlington (only served in West Germany for 2yrs from 1958-60), but I know he’d be spinning in his is little urn at this. He despised the man and seen nothing good out of Trump

    26. It wasn’t even a regular “honoring our fallen” bullshit photo op. He did it to mark the 3rd anniversary of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, for the express purpose of posting it to criticize Kamala Harris. Regardless of the fact that the clusterfuck wasn’t her fault, or even Biden’s (who was following a mandatory deal that TRUMP made), it’s gross and disrespectful, but that’s not really surprising coming from him, the embodiment of gross disrespect.

    27. Expecting more of a convicted felon, rapist, misogynist, racist, terrorist, and child molester???

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