Hello, this is your long lost grandson. I would also like to be part of the Red Lobster pls.
TheHorizonExplorer on
You spend most of your life at work. You may not be lucky enough to spend most of your life with your family, especially your grandparents. Seems like he’s got his priorities straight!
Candy_glitterrs on
Wish my grandparents were still around to do stuff like this. 🙁
Gap_According_ on
How sweet is that to have a Grandpa that cares that much! You are so lucky!
Ultimate_Lobster_56 on
cupcake_conspiracy7 on
I don’t eat fish, but abso-fucking-lutely.
I would do anything to have another meal with my grandpa. 😭 We’d probably both get chicken tendies and fries. 😂
Grandpa asking the most important questions.
I miss Grandpa
Hello, this is your long lost grandson. I would also like to be part of the Red Lobster pls.
You spend most of your life at work. You may not be lucky enough to spend most of your life with your family, especially your grandparents. Seems like he’s got his priorities straight!
Wish my grandparents were still around to do stuff like this. 🙁
How sweet is that to have a Grandpa that cares that much! You are so lucky!
I don’t eat fish, but abso-fucking-lutely.
I would do anything to have another meal with my grandpa. 😭 We’d probably both get chicken tendies and fries. 😂
Why wait till Saturday? Let’s go RIGHT NOW.