Hanging out with me be like

    by Aqn95


    1. Legitimate_Toe_4961 on

      Wrestling wholesome? It entertains kids, so I guess it is? Death Note is definitely not wholesome. MCR, uhh, the songs I know are pretty depressing. And there’s a gun in my face.

    2. Jaycin_Stillwaters on

      Every Death Note episode? Can we just watch up until a certain characters death? Cuz after that it’s kind of trash

    3. aliceddrawingdragon on

      i mean u could have just told me, id have made time sooner if i knew we were doing theese things

    4. Omniri_Star_Photonia on

      SVR 2007? That takes me back. One of the storylines in it caused me to fantasize about being forcefemmed and eventually realize I’m trans

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