An old proverb I remember, something about how in the flood, the fish eat the ants, and in the drought, the ants eat the fish. We all have a certain range of circumstances in which we can thrive and this world only works because ours don’t align precisely with others.
bestjakeisbest on
Remember for good mashed potatoes dont boil them it adds too much water, it is better to bake them whole and then mash them and add heavy cream.
Afraid-Quantity-578 on
Never heard the saying, it probably isn’t russian.
Also our old sayings tend to be like “be stoic” and “work hard”, the opposite.
GlowingSoull on
For a Russian floorboard, despair and despondency are somehow not enough.
in323 on
I like the popcorn one
Prince-Angel-Wing on
I feel like liquid nitrogen with this mentality. :/
the same woman can make u hard and soft
An old proverb I remember, something about how in the flood, the fish eat the ants, and in the drought, the ants eat the fish. We all have a certain range of circumstances in which we can thrive and this world only works because ours don’t align precisely with others.
Remember for good mashed potatoes dont boil them it adds too much water, it is better to bake them whole and then mash them and add heavy cream.
Never heard the saying, it probably isn’t russian.
Also our old sayings tend to be like “be stoic” and “work hard”, the opposite.
For a Russian floorboard, despair and despondency are somehow not enough.
I like the popcorn one
I feel like liquid nitrogen with this mentality. :/