Came up with this mid argument

    by Yeet69yeet96yeet


    1. defending my opinion feels like being a lone knight in a dragon’s den of hot takes!

    2. joshshotfirst on

      Yep. I usually just say f*** it and leave after the 4th dumb response. Especially when their typing out 1000 word essays and my minor ocd compels me to answer in just as long a response and before I know it I’ve spent an hour and a half answering stupid people about a random comment I made.

    3. A_Blue_Potion on

      Most of the time, arguments get way more epic on YouTube though. That’s because things are way more random there so everyone gets equal exposure. But on reddit, not only can people simply downvote without giving any proper argument to invalidate what they disagree with, especially the third party vultures, but reddit also hides a comment way at the bottom if it gets enough downvotes. The only time I’ve ever had an argument on reddit get as real, if not more than YouTube ones is the one time a guy invited me to a private chat just to argue because I called him out on something. Let’s just say, that argument went on for days. The battle was legendary but also anticlimactic because we both got tired of it.

    4. Moe_Lester_69420_ on

      Defending on reddit becomes impossible when you get 10+ downvotes and then you have to delete the comments to not lose further aura

    5. OP’s expectations


      (Meanwhile in reality) Everyone is acting like angry foaming soyjacks, downvote-bombing the offending content, saying passive-aggressive “shut up, here’s the part where we all bully you” one-liners.

      Did i miss something?

    6. Background_Crow_7434 on

      Me when i defend godfather 3, being in my opinion as good as the second part. Godfather 1 is supreme.

    7. These dumbf*cks don’t even understand with simple words , I don’t even get angry now at show of their pea size intelligence I just ignore them to keep my mental peace.

    8. No where easier to end up in that situation, than on r/saltierthankrayt, or r/fauxmois, those people are insanely narrow minded in their own ways.

    9. ZeTreasureBoblin on

      More often than not, for me it’s closer to lobbing a grenade and then wandering off like nothing happened 🤣

    10. happens when topics like circumcision, israel-palestine, trans, communism etc. is brought up.

    11. Yeet69yeet96yeet on

      I just wanna specify, and I don’t know if this is important or not (it probably is), but the argument is about whether or not being gay is ok. Im not gay, but personally I think it’s perfectly fine and acceptable.

    12. Vlad_The_Rssian on

      how it feels to post litterally anything on twitter (some group of people will 100% be mad and try to cancel you)

    13. MixRevolution on

      Not even. I make a comment, some/several people argue against me, I don’t respond. I don’t have enough energy to fight fake arguments online with no benefit to me.

    14. insanityofmanic on

      Well there are only two options, either they are all wrong and stupid or either you are right, but stupid

    15. FunSorbet1011 on

      Also how I feel on Discord when my argument backfires horribly and almost gets me banned

    16. YippeeKiYay1097 on

      It really is either you have a strong option or you’re coping

      Also note you really have to have a mindset about that karma is really just pointless point to keep auguring even if you have fuck ton of downvoted. I fucking had 200 downvotes just for sharing my reason.

    17. TheQuestionMaster8 on

      I just remember having the last word in an argument on reddit about Israel and the other user deleting their reddit account shortly thereafter.

    18. Empty_Success759 on

      I just get banned repeatedly as I get mass reported for daring to have an opposing opinion

    19. The best feeling is when people start whole ass reading what you said *wrong,* and then trying to make fun of you for something that you *didn’t even say.*

      And you still get downvoted.

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