Again with the “good old days” nonsense

    by Available_Reason7795


    1. Chemical_Actuary_190 on

      1968: Looks a little creepy if you ask me. 2024: Of course the gunman is a black man.

    2. I remember in 1972 when I watched a kid in my 7th grade science class slap the shit out of the teacher, is that what they mean by good old days?

    3. Stark_Prototype on

      Remember the good ole days where the middle school history teacher married that girl he gave flowers to all the time when she turned 18?

    4. ThreeDogs2022 on

      I think the kid is giving flowers to the teacher not the other way around.

      Also this is racist as fuck.

      Anyone read the Little House series as a kid? In “Farmer Boy” there’s a protracted story line about 9 year old Almanzo being terrified because the last two teachers have been beaten either to death or permanent disability by the older boys in the school, who suffer absolutely no consequences for it.

    5. The__Willing_Well on

      The kid is giving the teacher flowers, lol, not the other way around. That’s the entire point of the picture, even if it is racist garbage.

    6. ParticularAd8919 on

      For the umpeenth time. These problems were definitely still around in the 50s and 60s. They just weren’t publicized everywhere. That’s the main difference.

    7. UnlimitedCalculus on

      First of all, this is the #photooftheday… as a cartoon.

      Second: could’ve had the student giving the teacher an apple. They can’t even speak their own hateful bullshit without also seeming weird themselves.

    8. Wonder-Grunion on

      Young teacher, the subject
      Of schoolgirl fantasy
      She wants him so badly
      Knows what she wants to be
      Inside her there’s longing
      This girl’s an open page
      Bookmarking, she’s so close now
      This girl is half his age

      Don’t stand, don’t stand so
      Don’t stand so close to me
      Don’t stand, don’t stand so
      Don’t stand so close to me

    9. Don’t think we don’t recognize the underlying racial tone.

      These inbred racist fucks truly can’t help themselves.

    10. Traditional-Leopard7 on

      Umm aren’t the older generation the PARENTS of the kids they are complaining about? They literally created the problem they are complaining about.

    11. So they are admitting guns are bad ? Oh , thats right only when people of color have them.

    12. Plastic-Pension7263 on

      Old timers not realizing everything was great when they were younger not because everything was great, but because they were YOUNG.

    13. Remember the good old days when teachers could support an entire family on their salary? The cherry-picking of the good things in the “good old days” is always meant to be racist

    14. clammycreature on

      If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about school shooters, it’s that they’re always young black boys. /s

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