she has her priorities under check

    by DaisySamanthaa


    1. Kinda_Ok_Upstairs on

      Yep!!! One of the many benefits to having doggos. It allows me to dip out early from a variety of social obligations.

    2. Emotional_Fee3637 on

      We can take the royal carriage to get there quicker! What kind of dogs do you have?

    3. I’m the prince in this picture.

      My friend recently got a puppy. The lil guy is super cute, but any time I want to hang out with my friend it needs to make sure the dog is accounted for too. He is no longer a person but a dog owner.

      Is the place dog friendly?
      Is the dog too tired for a second walk?
      Has the dog been fed?
      Is the dog too stimulated?
      Did the puppy just swallow a bit of chicken bone? Gotta take him to the vet.

      I feel like I’m losing my friend and it sucks.

    4. katapiller_2000 on

      My parents used that excuse to leave parties early. I have cats and I use that excuse too, even though they have an auto feeder.

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