My boyfriend keeps Carolina reaper flakes in his car in case he gets sleepy while driving

    by Imaginary-Pea-2611


    1. SaltMineForeman on

      Does he pull over, eat some, then die for a couple minutes before driving again or how does this work?

    2. CaptainSouthbird on

      As someone who at one time used to drive something like 1000 miles to visit family, sleepy at the wheel is no joke. And frankly while I did some stupid things while I was younger, I just know better now.

      Hopefully your boyfriend isn’t frequently in a position where he feels he “needs” to drive while being exhausted. Shortly after I was licensed, I once looked down at something for just a few seconds before missing a curve and hitting a curb hard enough I dented my tire rim. Fortunately that was it, but it quickly showed me that even a few seconds of inattentive driving is all it takes for something to happen. For example, nodding off from being exhausted…

    3. I used to get drowsy basically any time I drove more than like 30 mins at a time. Turns out I had sleep apnea. Now that I’m using a cpap I rarely ever get drowsy while driving unless I’m extremely tired. If he snores he may want to get checked.

    4. Smart. I used to keep red hots and atomic fireballs in my car for the same reason. In my experience, spicy worked better than caffeine, loud music, or fresh/cold air at keeping me awake.

    5. I’m just imagining an a-hole cop pulling him over and opening it, thinking it was weed, only to essentially pepper spray himself 🤣

    6. I used do this trick when I worked at a wing place. One little dab of our hottest sauce would wake you up instantly

    7. Thanks, but I’ll just keep an emergency Adderall in my glovebox like a normal person.

    8. Just pull the fuck over and take a 40 min nap. Works like magic

      All these shenanigans like jamming hot pepper up your ass, loud music or talking with someone don’t work at all. 

      Getting some sleep does 

    9. Driving while exhausted is just as bad as driving intoxicated.

      It’s better to be late than to be dead, or for someone else to be dead or injured because you fell asleep at the wheel. Pull over to a parking lot and take a nap.

    10. K1ngofnoth1ng on

      Your boyfriend is an idiot. Driving tired is more dangerous than driving drunk. Just pull over for a nap.

    11. CantaloupeCamper on

      Guy I used to work with had a few bags of dried peppers he bought in Mexico, he forgot about them and they fell under his driver seat and further decayed.

      One spring they broke open and started circulating through the AC.

      Police man who saw his car weaving around and slowly pull over was very understanding and helped him to safety on the side of the road.

    12. Maybe have beef jerky to snack on while driving? I find eating something helps keep the sleepiness away while driving.

    13. *Feeling* awake is not the same as *being* awake and alert. This is really quite a dangerous idea.

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