Being a stepparent is never easy! The fact that you can love him as if he was your own son is great! Many people cannot. You are an amazing person and a great dad!
spiked_macaroon on
As a dad who misses his son due to a terrible ex, this is heartbreaking.
fly_over_32 on
>this isn’t something huge
He’s wrong about that one
SportyNecklaceLace on
I am not a parent and this almost made me cry. I don’t know how happy he must have been 🥹
That’s just beautiful!
Being a stepparent is never easy! The fact that you can love him as if he was your own son is great! Many people cannot. You are an amazing person and a great dad!
As a dad who misses his son due to a terrible ex, this is heartbreaking.
>this isn’t something huge
He’s wrong about that one
I am not a parent and this almost made me cry. I don’t know how happy he must have been 🥹