Algeria has been kicking European butts for decades

    by onlyletmeposttrains


    1. Creative_Charge9321 on

      Spoiler : Algeria did not kick any ass, but instead licked ass of every countries in the world, even France after independance

    2. FrenchieB014 on

      They kicked france ass so hard that by 1962 half of the FLN forces were abroad and in exile literally killing each other, lost all of their fighting capacities after Plan Challe and the “Bleuite” ceasing all major fighting in Algeria, lost Algiers and twice more Algerians were serving under France banner.. even in 62.

      Sorry guys.. you aint the Viet Minh, which effectively kicked our ass.

    3. ClavicusLittleGift4U on

      Funny to learn specifically 4th French Republic = “kicked European butts for decades”.

    4. Tmn_Uzi_1600 on

      only french people will tell you that an independent country lost the independence war

    5. I’m saying a lot more comments about how this comment section will be a mess than any actual contentious comments.

    6. assmeister64 on

      Well if you count the 300 years during which every European nation with even a stick that could float was paying tribute to Algiers, the reconquista and the defense of Sicily… yeah that makes a lot of decades tbh

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