u/ToddeToddelito’s post reminded me of this swedish science incident (context in comments)

    by koontzim

    1 Comment

    1. Swedish kings have always hated coffee and tea for some reason, and decided they are unhealthy. The swedish public, however, always loved coffee. So in the 18th century king Gustav III of sweden decided to have an experiment. He took 2 twins that were both sentenced to death (as you apparently always have in Sweden) and instead of executing them, he forced one of them to drink tons of coffee and the other to drink tons of tea, every day, for the rest of their lives. The king was assassinated , then tea-drinking one died at the age of 83, then the 2 doctors conducting the experiment died, and only then did the coffee guy die. Since the doctors were already dead no one knows how old he was at death. Today, Sweden is one of the world’s top coffee consumers per Capita

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