A small town I’m visiting built setup, and maintains a feral cat village.

    by 6millionwaystolive


    1. If you built them houses doesn’t that mean they’re not really feral anymore?

    2. Lord-Velveeta on

      Cool! We have a few feral cats around my fire station and local citizens have built and installed insulated rubbermaid tote boxes to keep them warm in winter and out of the rain. Neighbours and guys in the station also feed them now and then and a local “cat lady” had them caught, fixed and released.

      We like having them around as they took care of the mice problem we had in the station.

    3. That is absolutely wonderful. I really needed to see something that wholesome right about now. Of course, anyone can make a cat village on the spur of the moment by just putting twenty boxes on the ground.

    4. I hope feral cats aren’t a problem for your local wildlife.
      They are here – so this gives me the heebie jeebies.

    5. silver_display on

      A small town I’m visiting has set up and regularly maintains a feral cat village.

      I fixed the title since I nearly had a stroke reading the original.

    6. Ugh. I like my wildlife. Cats should be rehomed or put into a shelter. Or euthanized. They are an invasive species that are decimating our wildlife.

    7. And now everyone in a 10km radius has cat piss sprayed on everything they own. Also, all the birds have been mercilessly slaughtered.

    8. askingxalice on

      I know feral cats aren’t good for the environment, but if a community doesn’t have access to a Trap Neuter Release program, what are they supposed to do?

      I don’t think anyone wants to do a cat cull – nobody that should be trusted, at least.

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