Yes. Yes, we’re frustrated

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Emotional_Narwhal304 on

      Yeah… the Republicans are nominating a felon, who is also threatening to be a dictator and actually has a fucking plan IN WRITING to upend democracy and install a christo-facist hellscape.

    2. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Ahh yes, wise words from the esteemed legislator that tanked Sanders for Hillary… ( I still voted for her, but I’m still a little pissed, not too much anymore)

    3. SlugOfBlindness on

      wow this Trump guy sound pretty bad! I would definitely want to run a candidate who isn’t rocking a 36% approval rating and deep underwater against him in *every single swing state*

    4. THE MEDIA: “Yes, we dissect every single word that comes out of Biden’s mouth. And we don’t do the same with every single incoherent word that comes out of Trump’s pie hole. Wanna know why? BECAUSE WE HAVE NORMALIZED TRUMP’S INSANE BEHAVIOR. It’s okay for him to act senile and erratic. But we don’t expect that from Biden. That is why he’s on the hot seat and not Trump. Different standards and all that. Sue us if you don’t like it”

    5. And that very media stares back at her with vacant doe eyes and vaguely nods as if her point was valid, only to move on to the next segment to continue its assault on Biden.

    6. Sub-Mongoloid on

      D_T is going to be the Republican nominee, that is what a sizable portion of the country and his own party want. Nothing short of an act of god is going to change that and it is a waste of breath to keep whining about that fact when there is clearly so much work to be done shoring up support for Biden.

    7. A_LiftedLowRider on

      Why would anyone waste their breath on something that’s not going to change? We know trumps base, there’s nothing he can do that would dissuade them. Nothing is changing that.

      The democrats can still do some good by getting a candidate that’s not in the early stages of dementia.

    8. I’m about to unsubscribe from this sub Jesus, this is like Dem MAGA going on here at this point y’all are delusional and just nonstop posting this dumb shit

      Biden should drop

    9. fukwhutuheard on

      being so disingenuous about the valid issues with biden will not win you any converts.

    10. I’m frustrated that the Democrats think shaming the media will work here. It won’t. The story is that the worse Trump looks the more horrifying a d newsworthy the political malpractice of running Biden becomes.

    11. NeatWhiskeyPlease on

      DWS can shut right the fuck up about anything.

      She betrayed her country and helped force Hillary down everyone’s throat.

    12. AthasDuneWalker on

      “Thank you, Debbie. Now, for our next story: ‘Old Man Old pt. 9100’.”

    13. ChicagoMemoria on

      Fuck you, DWS. Your actions during 2016 are part of why we’re here.

    14. torgofjungle on

      Hey everyone there’s evidence that Trump raped a 13 year old! He attempted to overthrow the government! He’s convicted of multiple felonies! He says he’ll be a dictator on day one. He grifted multiple charities, every business he’s ever run has failed, I mean seriously we could go on forever.

      Media: this is why Biden should drop out!

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