Less than 50% of eligible voters even turned out

    by IllustriousDudeIDK

    1 Comment

    1. IllustriousDudeIDK on

      A lot of Calvin Coolidge’s silence was based off of his persona and also the fact that his son died in the middle of the campaign after getting a blister on his toe while playing tennis without socks on. His opponents tried to get him to say *anything* and that didn’t work. Coolidge’s running mate, Charles G. Dawes, made a fool of himself by qualifying his ‘condemnation’ of the Klan by saying many people wanted “law and order.” Coolidge’s campaign largely stuck to talking about the economy.

      Davis knew he was going to lose and basically said the normal platitudes. But he did energetically condemn the Klan. In the end, he got the lowest percentage of votes for a Democratic candidate except Breckinridge, who wasn’t even the main Democratic candidate. Even Steven Douglas did better than Davis percentage-wise (29.5% vs 28.8%). The reason, well many Progressive Democrats voted for La Follette.

      La Follette’s campaign was more like a farewell tour given his failing health. He would die less than a year after the election. He was expected to do well in the West and Rockies, although he ended up winning only his home state of Wisconsin.

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