Don’t we all deserve this?

    by flores9pumas


    1. My first internship was literally like this. One of the first things my seniors told me was “we don’t expect anything from you. It’s alright to make mistakes and ask questions. That’s why you’re here. It’s our job to mentor you and turn you into a professional, so don’t hesitate to call on us for anything.”

    2. I had an interview like that and got a great job for 14 months before I had to move on.

    3. I wish this was the case. I graduated with an Associate’s in computer science at the end of December. I have applied to over 200 jobs in this field so far, which is very broad, so it’s been a lot of different jobs. Nothing. Either just get automated rejection letters, or don’t hear anything back.

    4. Essentially, if a person wants to work, then he will work, you just need to give people a chance. And it doesn’t matter whether you studied well or were a loser at school, adult life changes everything and puts it in its place.

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