This isn’t by chance, it’s by choice

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Iron_Knight7 on

      The Labor Party won in England. France took the wind out of its far right movement.

      C’mon, America. We gonna let them beat us at Nazi stomping like that? If we can kick butt at Cricket, we can do this.

    2. Key words: They worked together. Put your petty shit away, Pull it back out on November 6th if you want.

    3. TheLandFanIn814 on

      There is more good in the world than bad. Time for us to prove it.

      Vote Blue because our lives depend on it.

    4. I think a lot has to do with methods of polling. If it’s anything like it is over here, it tends to be biased towards older voters who tend to be far right. However, with that said I’m still not sure if Biden is the best chance to beat Trump.

    5. england_man on

      In France, they have education.

      In the great United States, we have Republicans.

      I have some doubts about many voters being ‘smarter than they seem’.

    6. Doublejimjim1 on

      Voters aren’t trying to sort life by controversial like the media is.

    7. Translation: “The media needs the far right to keep elections close for ratings and clicks”

    8. hinesjared87 on

      It’s not just that the media thinks we’re dumb (they do), it’s that their *only* interest is to get you to watch. That’s it. They don’t give a shit who wins or what happens.

    9. Li-RM35M4419 on

      I’m sick to death of every day hearing about some poll that contradicts another poll and how that means something. I got a pole for you if you like poles.

    10. da_mcmillians on

      This country is full of idiots. Especially in flyover country, the South, the exurbs, and rural areas. And they’re getting dumber every year.

    11. seanskettis on

      The main reason CNN and all these central “news” agencies ding Bidens age is to a closer, more dramatic race. Not that it isn’t valid, but bidens age means nothing in comparison to all the serial rapist, criminal activities of Trump

    12. Nowiambecomedeth on

      The far right are extremely loud and vocal. Smart people keep their mouth shut until they have something intelligent to say

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