american cops scare me

    by jellylemonshake


    1. Prime example of people only giving a fuck when it effects them. My team got fucked now it needs to be under a microscope and there’s no room for error

    2. skilalillabich on

      Yeah if your hair don’t rise up on the back of your neck when you see a cop. You have a problem

    3. Murrica, shit like this makes the bacon grease drip


    4. FrankieMint on

      And those body cams should be on ALL THE TIME.

      The cops’ privacy argument against this is BS. Commercial pilots are subject to cockpit voice recording (CVR) all the time. CVR recordings that aren’t investigation-relevant are eventually overwritten. Same could be applied to police body cams. [There are technical differences, but those differences are solvable. Police just don’t *want* them solved.]

    5. I have honestly had this conversation over a holiday dinner table before. People who get their “news” from a single source are truly crazy or stupid.

      Likely both.

    6. runnerhasnolife on

      Speaking as a police officer in the United States

      Body cameras are awesome. They’re so useful. A lot of compartments try to find a deal because they’re worried about privacy but once you actually get them and you realize that it is possible to still have privacy these things are super awesome

    7. Translator_Open on

      What I don’t understand is why the fuck not? It only serves to improve policing completely, police officers should be monitored. I always wonder what would happen if the cops come to the wrong house and you fight back unaware it’s the cops, you kill one. You’re fucked. Get killed. However they have body cams so at least posthumously they can’t make you look like it wasn’t an accident.

    8. Swimming_Sink277 on



    9. Good cops love body cams because the public gets to see the full story instead of being able to rush to conclusions without an OUNCE of knowing ANYTHING that happened. “Cops shoot teenager” becomes “Cops shoot teenager who was literally charging another teenager with a knife and refused to listen to commands to stop.”

    10. exqueezemenow on

      Most of the time body cams exonerate the police, so I don’t see why anyone would be against them.

    11. LaserGadgets on

      What they NEED is proper education and training. It aways seems like you just go there, answer 12 questions and get the badge and a uniform -.- in germany its 3 years of training.

    12. cookee-monster on

      If police are out there to make me accountable for my actions then I find it fair that they be held accountable for theirs. It’s not difficult. Cops have been on a rampant power trip for decades.

      That being said I’m not against police being able to do their jobs. We need police. We just don’t need Judge Dredd.

    13. Putrid-Builder-3333 on

      If you really want to piss off the sport/political fanatic of the family. Avoid the political bs and go straight for the jugular. Tell them NFL is legally defined as sports entertainment just like the WWF. NFL can legally predict their game outcomes just like a wrestling match.

      Out of the three majn American sports NFL, NBA and MLB. The MLB is the only sport legally defined as professional sports nowadays. NBA too is also sports entertainment.

      Because I’d rather argue sports than politics any day. Tbh

    14. Live-River1879 on

      What’s the argument against body cams? I have never heard this one and I am genuinely curios. It seems like it could offer proof of you doing your job correctly if you ever faced false accusations and can corroborate a police report, testimony in a trial, etc. Only if you are trying to hide something would a body cam not be beneficial for an officer to be equipped with

    15. MediumSaintly on

      You have to think about what is really important. Why should I care about some rado’s life when my team has been denied a touchdown that was absolutely perfectly right.

      Why should I care until it actually effects me?

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