Why are MAGA republicans so desperately pushing Biden’s age and begging for Biden to quit?

    by yamers


    1. “biden senile” posters seem awfully similar to some of the MAGA republicans. Makes you wonder. Also notice how every post doesn’t have any solution? It just spamming every sub about Biden’s age, but they also just throw names out randomly without any evidence or data to back anything up. Interesting.


    2. WinchelltheMagician on

      Mike Lee: born and raised in a belief system that teaches and hones one’s ability to lie. Can’t trust a word out of his alt-reality-spewing, cult-victim mouth.

    3. Because if they focus on his actual performance in the job they will fuck themselves.

    4. DonJuniorsEmails on

      Nothing bad to say about Biden or the Democrat party platform.

      This is why republicans need lies. They need to vote against bills, then go home and tell their voters that they support the bill. They need foreign countries to fabricate lies on their behalf. They need to distract from Trump’s dementia by whining about nonexistent health problems for Biden. 

      Republicans used to get easy wins by just saying “tax cuts”. Now, people are seeing through that bullshit. 

    5. TheLandFanIn814 on

      Pretty sure Biden has never told people to inject themselves with bleach, shine light inside their body, ignore a deadly pandemic, deny the results of a legitimate election, instruct a cult to attack the Capitol Building or repeatedly gone on stage to ramble like a crazy person about sharks, getting electrocuted by boats, post birth abortions, windmills causing cancer, raking leaves to prevent forest fires, brag about his fake golf scores and lie about practically everything.

      Because that would be crazy right? Seems like someone who does that would be old and senile.

    6. NeverLookBothWays on

      Why? Because it catches on and gets Democrats doing the same.

      Right wing media ultimately dictates what we are all ultimately talking about, no matter how hard we try to refocus on other more important things: https://youtu.be/VzoZf4IAfAc

    7. Trump is like 3 years younger. If Biddens ages is an issue, that they pushed for past 4 years, Trump is just as bad. 

      No. Actually worse. Biden atleast can ride a bike and exercises.

      Trump just eats Jackie’s during his one sane hour a day.

    8. How many times has Biden gone in a rant about how magnets are disabled by water?

      How many times has Biden gone on a rant about sharks being electrocuted?

      How many times has Biden gone in a rant about washing machines that nobody will give water to?

      Folks need to write to “journalists” and ask them to please start telling the news instead of their paid subscriptions.

    9. Humble-Grapefruit-64 on

      That’s their game plan for everything, projection, disinformation coming at us from all directions. It’s called brainwashing, and it works. Proof is they believe that Trump is an Adonis God sent to save us.

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