I hate Microsoft so much for this

    by RadaRAW


    1. RedBluffCrazyGuy on

      Every new OS gets worse and worse. XP you could lean down to 18 processes. Windows 10 is around 45. They act like everyone has a supercomputer.

    2. I have windows 11 that try to force you its ads and to use teams. Before I was a few years on Linux (Ubuntu). I came back to windows for photo editing but I don’t do that much anymore… so I am tempted to go back to Linux these days.

      Overall for me, windows 10 was better than what windows 11 is.

    3. ExtremlyFastLinoone on

      I fucking wish I could have my pc running widowms 7, I miss 7 so much, it was so simple

    4. Ironically, Windows 11 feels more like a Chrome OS knockoff. Pretty much everything about the UI looks exactly like Chrome OS does, just with the Windows functions. I despise Windows 11 because they tried dumbing everything down, while only making technical stuff less accessible than before. Like seriously, you right click something to get the drop down menu, then you have to click “show more options” to get the full list? Get the f out.

    5. Why don’t they just continue windows 10

      it makes me sad because i don’t wanna waste my time using that trash of a windows 11

    6. NoOneCares1357 on

      I only use Windows 11 because I’m a ui freak who hates the Windows 10 design

    7. superbeast1983 on

      I remember having this same thought with xp/vista. Then with 7/8. Are you surprised?

    8. blackbubbleass on

      I don’t forget Microsoft itself announced Windows 10 would be the final update when it came out. It’s literally a lie which could make a fraud but there’s no choice for us to give in and accept the scam because they’re strong.

    9. DifferenceAshamed438 on

      i actually like 11 more than 10 lol

      i mean they are basically the exact same thing with a slightly different ui

    10. When i compile new PC i will immigrant totally to Linux 🙂 who want to see ads on their operating system can stay on windoz

    11. Update ? Of what? There are 3 reasons I use Windows 10: the 7 is too old (more and more softwares are discontinued on it), it isn’t owned by Apple, Linux is too complicated for my dumb ass

    12. I thought Windows 10 was supposed to be the “last” version. Everything was just supposed to be minor updates meant to keep up with technology and security.

      Did I make that up? Am I going crazy? Hello? HELLO!?

    13. Aware-Radish-6772 on

      I still don’t understand the vehement hatred. It’s like people find one tiny inconvenience and make it their job to shit on everything it is and will ever be

    14. Am I the only one who actually likes Windows 11? It’s just a different ui and it looks good. Also, now File Explorer has tabs and I love it

    15. “The software said ‘Requires Windows 11 or better.’
      So I installed Linux.”

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