i swear to zeus i can’t watch a single video (on phone) without encountering double unskippable ads.

    by constantlytired1917


    1. ToppHatt_8000 on


      Ad Speedup

    2. (on phone) close the video after the first ad and start it again. Works nearly every time.

    3. Ligmamale80085 on

      Why don’t I have ads am not valuable enough as a viewer , all I get are ads for elections once every two years or so , and all my homies always get a lot of ads but I almost never get ads

    4. Bruh you can just use firefox browser on your phone too and yes you can add the same extensions as on your pc, so Ublock is your friend!

    5. Ornery_Direction728 on

      It actually makes me crazy. Plus, they have no fucking clue when the ads start. Right in the middle of dialog, they start. 

    6. No-Caterpillar-8112 on

      I just reload the video until there’s no ads, even if it takes me longer than half a minute.

    7. GenericArtist457 on

      Tip: on mobile if it’s as long as 15 seconds, go to the gear in the top right corner and go to my ad center and click block ad. It’s like a 7 second skippable ad at that point.

    8. CheeseStringCats on

      Crazy how 5 years ago I was able to listen to music on yt on my way to school, getting *maybe* one ad every half hour. Nowdays I have to watch 15 sec ad to load 4 sec shitpost video.

    9. Realpotatosoe on

      I’m too stubborn, so I’ll close and open the video until I get a skippable ad or no ad at all

    10. KingWookieBread on

      Acting like you’re old, but probably wasn’t alive when we had a 5 star rating system.

    11. Been having to skip both ads for music now days.. Im driving. Please dont make me reach down to tap “skip ad” twice

    12. I use the I button in a circle and press it and press skip add works every time I haven’t watched an add in years

    13. New_Beginning_4723 on

      I guess I’m lucky? Almost every ad I encounter is either skippable after 5 seconds or only 5 seconds long. Have noticed getting double ads though

    14. RAGINGBUCKET-4444 on

      Remember when you could pause a video to let it load completely so you could watch it uninterrupted by buffering.

    15. Lucifer_demiurgos on

      I’ve come across ads that when u press skip THERES ANOTHER UNSKIPPABLE ONE STRSIGHT AFTER IT

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