This company uses clear lids for their tin cans so you can see the fish produce inside.

    by oceanicplatform


    1. mylifestrife on

      Well, it’s not a bad idea, although seeing the content might put some people off from buying it, hahaha

    2. Normally I’d say clear tops are bad for product longevity… but fish gets a pass because it’ll go bad quickly anyway.

    3. Salt_Comparison2575 on

      If I could see how tinned fish looked before I bought it I would never buy tinned fish.

    4. ImpossibleFuel6629 on

      Transparent aluminum isn’t supposed to be invented until the 2130’s

    5. BadBunnyBrigade on

      The problem with that is I imagine their ‘lids’ are just a soft plastic cover… which can be easily punctured by a syringe and the food inside tampered with.

      That’s a huge NOPE from me.

    6. SnoopyMcDogged on

      What’s the point? The fish will go off really quickly like this.

      At that point might aswell go full plastic and vacuum seal the fish.

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