1996: Keanu Reeves visits his grandmother (on his father’s side) in Hawaii. Keannu is the son of a Chinese-Hawaiian father and an English mother.

    by Layla5421


    1. RepostSleuthBot on

      Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 3 times.

      First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/bzp21d) on 2019-06-12 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/r96g0y) on 2021-12-05 92.19% match

      *I’m not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={“post_id”: “15ndnu1”, “meme_template”: null}) ]*

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      **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 310,549,298 | **Search Time:** 0.222s

    2. “His American father is from Hawaii, and is of Native Hawaiian, Chinese, English, Irish and Portuguese descent.”

    3. _FightTheEmpire on

      I thought he was Lebanese-American. I could have sworn that’d was in his biography…

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