I have no idea how toasted this bagel is going to be.

    by aweinschenker


    1. It starts as not toasted. Then it gets lightly toasted. After that they burn the shit out of it so they have to take a belt sander to sand off the char to get it to a desirable regular toasted level. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

    2. me hitting the dab pen in the Target parking lot completely unsure of how I’ll feel walking into said Target

    3. It doesn’t even matter. It became a crime against humanity the second you ordered jalapeño cream cheese /j.

    4. Aspiegamer8745 on

      Easy, first you put it in the toaster for the light timer, then the Dark timer, then the Regular timer. it’ll come out hard as a rock but you asked for it.

    5. Update: it was normal toasted, which is a little less toasted than I prefer. I ordered it toasted dark.

    6. Step 1- Cut the bagel into different piece
      Step 2- Toast or not toast each piece differently.
      Step 3- get into an argument with the client

    7. InformationKey3816 on

      Personally I’d make the sucker look like I pulled it out of the center of the Earth.

    8. enjoyyourstudioapart on

      If I were the employee, I would char the shit out of the bottom of the bagel, lightly toast the inside, and then not toast the top half at all.

    9. Each quarter of it is toasted to a different level so you get to experience the full array of toasty-ness!!! (Tosti-ness? tostyness? Hmm)

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