Apparently, Taylor Swift is a Witch now.

    by Jlx_27


    1. For anyone who wasn’t around at the time:

      This is exactly what conservatives sounded like about Dungeons and Dragons.

    2. Practical_Eye_9944 on

      “Disappointed.” MAGA Karen pulling out the big guns.

      How will Taylor Swift ever go on?

    3. I love tying milestones around my neck. The one I’m wearing now reads ‘69.0 miles to Intercourse’.

    4. JustAtelephonePole on

      Well she could be listening to the Dixie Chicks instead, *but that damn cancel culture*!

    5. Professional-End2722 on

      The moment I hear one of these whack-job grifters mention “the word of God” I know we are heading for Nutsville, USA.

    6. “I have heard from others”

      The beginning of all vicious lies ala the true devil himself, Trumpty Dumpty.

    7. Bulky-Internal8579 on

      No one gives a fuck, Karen, and your kids will hate you when they grow up, if they don’t already.

    8. My1stWifeWasTarded on

      I don’t get it. Wouldn’t Satan be all over the chance to get to that many fans/souls?

    9. GlitteringWing2112 on

      Oh, Kandiss. Go take that tragedeigh of a name of yours and pound sand. I can assure you that Taylor doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what you think.

    10. Yeah it’s Taylor Swift that’s changed, not that this nutcase has Overton Windowed herself off the deep end into christian extremist nonsense.

    11. I wonder what it is like being terrified of everything?

      If Taylor swift really was a witch in league with the devil, her music would be better.

    12. These people shouldn’t be allowed to use anything or get any treatment that wasn’t around before 33 AD.

    13. And who is Kandiss that she would warrant a drop of spit while trapped 40 days and nights lost in a desert?

    14. She has encouraged her fans to register to vote, thus she’s a witch and follows satan…

    15. theswedishturtle on

      Her reasoning is so flawed! If Lucifer really did exist, he’d make sure her career improved after the “satanic nods.” Vanity, after all, is his favorite sin. At least according to the devil in “Devil’s Advocate,” and I’m pretty sure Al Pacino wouldn’t have taken that role if it wasn’t factually accurate…

    16. Why would Lucifer not care about her career? If she’s enticing young people to the “dark side of spirituality”, wouldn’t he be pretty highly interested in that?

    17. Styrene_Addict1965 on

      Taylor to Talibangelicals: “We are never, ever, ever, getting back together!”

    18. Getting young people to vote is the most satanic thing anyone can do, according to these kind of conservative idiots

    19. Alright we need a definitive answer as to whether Taylor is a witch or not first of all..

      Who’s got some giant scales and a duck?

    20. Ok-Pomegranate-3018 on

      “Better to tie a milestone around your neck”…

      Jeebus, it’s *Millstone* lady.

    21. No_Sprinkles418 on

      I wish these nut jobs would hurry up and rapture already and leave the rest of us the fuck alone. Go.

    22. All this because she encouraged young people to register to vote. Apparently, any threat to Republican dominance is a threat to Jesus Christ. These aren’t Christians. They’re fascists posing as Christians.

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