Franklin Roosevelt with his 1940 running mate, Henry Wallace. In one of American history’s big hinge moments, in 1944, party centrists convinced FDR to replace the progressive Wallace with Harry Truman. [2407 x 1850]

    by L0st_in_the_Stars


    1. L0st_in_the_Stars on

      In 1948, Wallace ran against Harry Truman from his left. Thomas Dewey and Strom Thurmond filled out the four-way race, which Truman won in an upset.

    2. Progressive is one description for Wallace. Naive, overmatched and batshit crazy are a few others.

      He was a great secretary of Ag at a critical time but, to be generous, FDR promoted him above his level of competence in 1940. Less generously, along with the court packing fiasco of 1937, Wallace is one of FDR’s few major miscalculations.

    3. Tbf Truman was also relatively progressive for his time. He was pretty strong on civil rights for a Democrat of that time, and his fair deal policies were meant to extend the New Deal.

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