Ben Shapiro’s burned baby

    by Cjilgott


    1. clueless Asian here, can someone briefly explain to me who is this Ben, and why is he so dense?

      there should be some evil supreme plan behind his actions that no one could get, because i can’t imagine someone being this stupid …

    2. Brainsonastick on

      Well, gee, if someone said it anonymously on 4chan, it must be true!

      Has it occurred to no one that someone just photoshopped a dog into it?

      Don’t get me wrong, Ben Shapiro is the leading cause of vaginal dryness and far from a reliable source of information but that doesn’t make everything he shares automatically false. 4chan is one of the few sources that is obviously less credible than Ben Shapiro.

    3. Fuck this misinformation war. Can’t believe people immediately switch their opinion after seeing a supposed ai picture, and then again when they see a supposed photoshopped picture…

      Y’all need to think for yourself.

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