Everyone In Gaza Is A Human Animal.

    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. For all you people insisting that Israel is blameless and the good guy in this situation, please know that the belief that the people in Gaza are animals undeserving of rights and dignity did not start last week

    2. ExoticMeatDealer on

      Intentional starvation of civilians is a war crime, if anyone’s keeping track anymore.

    3. Gaza has been an open air prison for almost 20 years. The blockade was supposed to prevent Hamas from getting weapons and starve the Gazans into overthrowing Hamas-it has failed on both fronts. This situation is a result of refusing to accept its a failed policy and try something else, the same problem we have on this continent with the cartels and the war on drugs.

    4. “Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years,” they continue.

      “From systematized land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary detentions, to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings, Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden.”

    5. Wisconsinhempflower on

      Hamas is terrible and so is the Israeli government. All people deserve to live in peace but none of the governments there want peace. I don’t see how anyone can take sides in this shit show

    6. I watched the video of this person saying this and the hate and viciousness on his face was the same as the Nazis leaders who carried out the killing of 6 million Jews. It’s never about what is right or wrong but rather who is in power and the actions of Israel towards the ppl of Palestine over the past 70 yrs proves that out.

    7. “We are fighting animals so we will act like animals.” Without a shred of consideration to the power imbalance in the region. The Palestinians send homemade rockets, Israel responds with warplanes.

    8. Weird how the people who just had war crimes committed against them are ok with war crimes being committed against others.

      Be better than the “animals” you say they are, or you are just as bad as they are.

    9. SkinNoWorkRight on

      This is literally genocide rhetoric. Like something a Nazi official would say in a speech about Jews.

      How can they *not* see the irony?

    10. DropApprehensive3079 on

      Goyim? Human animals.

      This remains me of some point in history, dehumanizing people.

    11. EddieSpaghettiFarts on

      That’s never good language to hear from the start of a military operation.

    12. BuddhaBuddha999 on

      Dehumanizing and making conditions worse is not going to help the situation. It will just radicalize more people and show Israeli policy towards Palestinians to the world

    13. mywifemademedothis2 on

      This is why there have been tons of people on here preemptively claiming that Israel is blameless and all Palestinians are big Hamas supporters. They want to dehumanize the Palestinians to justify what comes next.

    14. Israel is not blameless & what they are talking about here is hate crimes against Palistinian citizens.

    15. BitchIDrinkPeople on

      Can someone post this on Worldnews. Curious to see how those bloodthirsty fucks will rationalise this.

    16. Huge-Membership-4286 on

      I know any criticism of Israel is pure antisemitism, but that doesn’t sound like something the good guys in a situation would say

    17. The irony of an Israeli essentially saying other people are sub human, people do not learn from history.

    18. UncommittedBow on

      Fuck Israel, Fuck Hamas. You know what fuck everybody at this point, no one is doing good here.

      But there are innocent people in Gaza who just so happen to LIVE there, who don’t agree with what’s going on, why punish them for simply being there?

    19. Bully’s journal, day 400: “Beat up that kid again. Broke his glasses, peed in his backpack, and burned a book his dead grandmother gave him. Laughed a lot. He cried so much, totally worth it.”

      Bully’s journal, day 401: “That kid I beat up yesterday pushed me on the playground. I fell over and banged my elbow. I hurt a little. Time to eradicate his entire bloodline, and everyone he knows.”

    20. Fit-Performer-7621 on

      The fact that Israel already controls all ground and sea access and has destroyed the only airport in Gaza should tell you everything you need to know about this siege.

    21. I see a lot of people on reddit claiming that Palestinian are animal because a few celebrated the hamas attack. What about the Israelis who watched the bombs which dropped on gaza in 2014 ? Does that make every Israeli savage in this case ?

      Source : [https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/15/world/middleeast/israelis-watch-bombs-drop-on-gaza-from-front-row-seats.html)

    22. aGrandSchemeofThings on

      Bibi’s Posse realizes their personal wet dream. All those Nazi nightmares revisited.

    23. pizmaster7065 on

      Sounds like Trump loser and his opinion of immigrants! We are human beings, and you’re now evil!

    24. rondarouseysclit on

      And we’re funding Israel. Why? All they need is an SS pin on their collars and the cycle will be complete.

    25. CelticTiger21 on

      Do you want more Hamas? Cause this is how you get more Hamas. Bibi and his ilk are just giving the extremists more ammo for recruitment rather than holding the ACTUAL perpetrators accountable.

    26. CharlesOberonn on

      I want the people on this sub to know that this guy doesn’t represent the majority of the Israeli people. His government is the one that has been the target of massive protests for the last 9 months, the biggest in Israel’s history.

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