Calcite alabaster head of a goddess, possibly Aphrodite. Eye sockets are filled with white limestone; originally there were inlays for irises and pupils. Greek, 2nd-1st c BC. Metropolitan Museum of Art collection [3000×4000] [OC]

    by oldspice75

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      [display description](

      [Onyx marble (also known as calcite alabaster) head of a goddess, possibly Aphrodite

      Greek, 2nd-1st century B.C. Bequest of Armida B. Colt, 2011 (2012.477.1)

      In Hellenistic times both goddesses and idealized queens wore high diadems. This head likely belonged to a statue of Aphrodite, as it resembles other depictions of the goddess. The eye sockets are filled with a type of white limestone, much weathered; the irises and pupils were once inlaid with a different material.]

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