Florida Man: Grifting the shit out of Conservatives since 1845.

    by IAmArique


    1. OddElderberry13 on

      The worst part is the people who bought it will probably call this a deep state conspiracy, the government and big pharma working together to keep real cures from the people.

    2. The Smoke Screen podcast about them was great. so glad and shocked to see some repercussions actually happen

    3. Lady_von_Stinkbeaver on

      …did the police really need to show up kitted out like Navy SEALs to arrest some doofuses running a mail-order scam?

      I mean, fuck these scamming plague rat assholes, but the militarization of the police is fucked up, too.

    4. The pic looks more like a military raid on a drug compound in a foreign country than someone in Florida selling bleach.

    5. Why are there soldiers/cops from Mexico standing besides them, were they extradited from Mexico?

    6. streetvoyager on

      Soo did the people buying know it was bleach or are they just really dumb and think you can get miracle cures for every bad disease from a church website?

      Clearly Florida has a major education issue.

    7. ShakeTheEyesHands on

      You know, people including bleach and stuff like this makes me wonder if they might actually believe in what they’re selling. Because if they’re just scam artists, wouldn’t it be a better idea to not only not kill your clientele but to not draw attention to yourself by killing your clientele? Why not just fill it with random, inert chemicals without absolutely no noticeable physiological effects on the human body?

      I can’t think of why they would leave something so attention grabbing in the formula unless they legitimately thought it was going to help people. It makes me wonder if cases like this are actual malice or just unbelievable stupidity.

    8. Always in Florida. Look another person somehow related to the church hurting ppl. Not a drag queen in sight.

    9. I mean I’m glad they are being held accountable, but I will say this, the good I can see is maybe there is a little less stupid In the world for those who actually bought that crap

    10. JackInTheBell on

      Does everyone remember the movie CONTAGION where they sold that fake Forsythia drug?

      Even after that fictional movie came out we ended up with even weirder shit during our Pandemic.

    11. Didn’t he learn anything at Trump University? All you have to do is put a little footnote on there saying “Do your own research.” This was in the syllabus for Grifting 101.

    12. Inevitable-Gear-2635 on

      Not enough jail time. I hope they get screwed by civil suits from the families of victims.

    13. AdhesivenessCivil581 on

      These lovely folks are featured in a book titled ” If It Sounds Like a Quack ” They were part of the medical freedom movement and did have access to Trump when he was advocating bleach for covid.

    14. rustys_shackled_ford on

      I’m confused… this all sounds very normal for an american church. What was the illegal part?

    15. I read that as “toxic beach” for a second and wondered how the hell they came up with that.

    16. SteamrollerBoone on

      “As my dear old grandfather Litvak said (just before they swung the trap), he said ‘You can’t cheat an honest man. Never give a sucker an even break or smarten up a chump.'”

      – W.C. Fields

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