God forbid people enjoy Taylor Swift music

    by Msbossyboots


    1. “Something needs to be done” lmao like fvcking what? Gonna cull 35 million people because you don’t like an artist? And all because you saw 25 of them singing at a bar? 😂 some people are so unbelievably stupid

    2. Naw. If not this man, Republicans didn’t give a damn about Taylor Swift until she spoke out about them and encouraged her fans to register to vote. Didn’t even tell her fans to vote for anyone in particular, Democrat or Republican.

      Thank you Taylor.

    3. “piece of shit”? I don’t think Taylor will be telling the Swifties to vote for Trump?

    4. RupertTheReign on

      I’m not a TS fan (literally the only song I can name off the top of my head is that shake, shake, shake one), but she’s quite intelligent. She’s smart enough to keep most of her personal life under wraps, she hasn’t had any crazy public meltdowns, and re-recording all her music to screw Scooter Braun was genius. That’s all above and beyond the fact that she’s dedicated her whole life to something she loves and something that has made her beyond wealthy.

      Also… the quotation marks around “guys” was all I needed to know about this guy. I’m imagining 25 people having a great time and this shriveled prune stewing in the corner and mumbling hateful garbage to his wife.

    5. Is he serious? I’d much prefer swifties over maga at least they’re happy and enjoying their lives.

    6. Suitable_Night8256 on

      Tell me you’re a boomer sad at becoming irrelevant without telling me.

      Can’t wait for them to start voting.

    7. justl00kingthrowaway on

      I’ll start to worry when the cult of Taylor Swift tries to overthrow the government and wants to hang the VP but until then Tay Tay is staying on my playlist.

    8. It’s that last bit, that’s all that really matters here. Had she never asked her fans to register to vote, this guy and all the other reich wing trolls wouldn’t care.

      Anyway, I’m old enough to remember that when she first appeared on the scene conservatives were smug and gleeful they’d found some wholesome, whi…I mean middle-American, Christian, sort-of-country pop star as the perfect antidote to a Godless and corrupt liberal Hollywood. Turns out she has other ideas. Which brings us back to the voting thing…

    9. kremedelakrym on

      I don’t like Taylor Swift either but damn if she keeps pissing conservatives off so much I’ll have to change my mind.

    10. I’m not a Swift fan, but she has a few good songs. But singing and dancing to songs you like while at a bar doesn’t make one a cultist. Lol. I’d sing along too if I was at a bar that was playing some Slipknot. We all have that one band that gets our energy up. That’s never a bad thing. But most Taylor Swift hate has nothing to do with her actual music…

    11. NoSpankingAllowed on

      Wanna bet the person who wrote that has a yard full of a certain type of political signs, several red hats, and believes an orange dude is a decent and rich person who never lies.

    12. “Nip this in the bud?” Bro she’s already the most famous singer in the world. Little late for that

    13. CyanideCandy13 on

      Sounds like this person’s never been to a bar concert… At a concert, you’ll have people singing along lmao

    14. Monkey-bone-zone on

      There needs to be something done, y’all!

      Maybe Jason Aldean can get a blonde weave? He already wears more makeup than Taylor does. Then he can date a football player or a musician or an actor or… wait for it… record music an entire generation responds to and loves!!

    15. I mean if Taylor Swift told her fans to vote for a person who is obviously a tyrant or something, I bet they would…

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