Chevy Chase, famous for a bumbling portrayal of one of America’s most athletic president’s, Gerald Ford, with Lorne Michaels, John Belushi, and Jacqueline Carlin Chase, 1976

    by eaglemaxie


    1. Thirty_Helens_Agree on

      In his eulogy for Ford, H.W. Bush said Ford loved Chase’s depiction of him, clumsiness and all. He went on to say “it’s important to be able to laugh at yourself in that job. I could go on, but nat ganna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.”

    2. Best line from this meeting,

      Chevy: “you’re a funny president”
      Ford: “you’re a funny suburb”

      True story

    3. bilboafromboston on

      Is she the one who had to be in the first show skit with him because the others weren’t ready?

    4. Gerald Ford stumbled twice, twice, and Chase lampooned him for years. Joe Biden has fallen flat on his face multiple times, tripped and stumbled more times than any one bothers to count and does things like shake hands with empty air and wander aimlessly away before completing an appearance. But the media and SNL just act like it’s all normal, everything’s fine.

    5. Ford survived two assassination attempts in one week. One in San Francisco and another in Sacramento. He is the only president who never ran for the office of president or vice president. He was on the Warren Commission and refused to play college football games against racists. I think he was a cool guy. It would be nice to have someone like him around in politics today. And, he has a US Navy aircraft carrier named after him.

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