The Grand Old Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears

    by MsStellaXoxo


    1. Invisible-Pancreas on

      “No, but, see…if you play the clip but stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes and say LALALALALALALALA, you’ll notice he doesn’t say anything controversial at all!”

    2. Well shit, the entire planet watched January 6th in HD, but they’re still beating the “peaceful march” drum. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    3. CommonConundrum51 on

      Youngkin screwed up by not wearing his fleece vest which makes him seem so much more relatable.

    4. Behndo-Verbabe on

      They deny it because they’re all for it. Fk trump fk republicans.

      And a message to all the Hispanics Latino and aapi people who believe he’s not talking about them. You’re wrong! Dead wrong. You’ll be the easiest and first ones to be rounded up. Why? Because you believe his lies you won’t expect that knock on your doors.

    5. That’s what they do….gaslight you into thinking the evidence is false. That’s been the platform they’ve run on as long as I’ve been aware of politics and I’m a millennial.

    6. He didn’t mean that? Then what the fuck did he mean asshole? You blind stupid fucking piece of shit nazi!

    7. TexasShooter1983 on

      And since libs don’t belive on gun ownership…and I’m talking real 2a gun ownership…as in ar15 and ak47s…not tampon tim’s bird shotgun that he somehow doesn’t even know how to reload…it will be incredibly easy for trump to be a tyrant.

    8. Youngkin: “what I mean is I don’t WANT to believe that what he said bc I’ve spent years backing him and raising money for him, and telling other Republicans to rally around him.”

    9. Early_Art_7538 on

      Remember the part of the oath where you declare you’ll defend the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic

      It’s good Trump declared he’ll do that

    10. I truly cannot conceive of being so spineless and worthless as a man that you’d be compelled to lie so brazenly.

    11. They are so invested in him that they can’t survive outside Maga World.
      Trump could confess to all and they would deny his confession.

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